Saturday, February 21, 2009

Intoxicated Lover

To no one…
Captivated by your spoken delights
Seduction of your many writes
Amused by your laughing humor
Conspicuously & willing so
Tagged my heart, early you go

Your drunken thoughts in words poured
An innocent mind it could have floored
A lame excuse of memory lapse
A frequent occurrence
In your swirling sphere maps

Liquored emotions surge within
Declare man your prejudiced desires
To every one seen, the I love you’s have been
Never less meant than when perhaps thee utter
A simple heart, a quiet shatter

The myriad erratic moments
Magnitude of your mood swings
Unduly to definition
Syndrome MENopause
Expression to one, a male being

Into your ecstasy world of high
Slow music and warmth close by
Whispered smiles, passions soar
Magnificence of thy affections shower
Again the influence, my intoxicated lover.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I Wish

I Wish

I wish for the uncomplicated joys of life
For the winds in my hair
And bare feet on cold sand
To feel the salt waters, their spray, thoughts sweet
Journey with me then, hold my hand

I wish to touch the skies
Mystical blues… far horizons
Distant dreams.. I want to pursue
A cornered smile, ha ha
Yes I have yearned for these

Be ingenuous to myself,
Was this my conquest, every moment of glee?
Did I not wander, further seas to see
Plunge to the flurry of the green,
Seeking to hold, grasp all within

Tranquil moments shying away,
Veracity loud, screaming, not a play
The deafening silence..
Quietude settles in, conscious now my frightened paths
Turn back to my skies… known trails..sigh
I awake to thee my wishes oh simple joys.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


It’s a fad going on.. and boy have I been late on a few.. a quarter for your thoughts

Me.. I’m not cut out to be “jaw dropping- mouth hanging open” gal. My gorgeousness lies in the sincere sunny curves of my full lips, the delicate sway of my conscious hips, the flirtatious flaunts of my naughty eyes, the danger of my warmth close by ;-)
God is Love, & He allows you to love, none is ever ours.. and here I was thinking.. oh how loving I can be..naive
I believe in marriage. I’m only single, because the most needed ingredient, I’d like to call “perfect man”, contradictory to belief of existence, is still strolling the desert.
I think men are great and He made them exceptional. I have loved some of the very best, then they went out strolling again.
I love climbing, be those hills, mountains or trees. No monkey business, I do not know where Darwin got his theory.
Blue is my favorite color, blue skies, blue waters, blue Mondays too.
I am a very sensitive person.. Yeah.. I have to mask it for everyone’s good. My own chiefly.
Good humor makes a lot of things tolerable.. Look at us clowning around!
I love children. When its time to have my own, I’d pray for twins. They will be the talk of every wild haired teacher in town, they will be my pride.
The 10 commandments are not multiple choice. And that love thing that God put on tablets, He is not kidding about it.
I want to love the one.. Because someone out there is missing out on something and I’ll probably bloat if I don’t exercise it. I am wee nervous about weight.
2 x’s don’t make a a and lesser evil is really not less evil
Jesus is the center of my life, yes, I am on number 13.
Dada is ‘selflessness’ personified. 20 years from my most beautiful mum, wanted the best for family.. did he know he's the best.
I will always make you smile, in my own unpretentious, non-superficial, just me way.
Flirting is a noble thing to do..just see u smile now! Clean (they say I have to specify, genius.. why is it otherwise called flirting!) I have relished references to call on :-)
Brown eyed gal could have been written with me in mind. And the disclaimer stays.. Don’t stare, you’ll drown in them.
I don’t believe in star signs. By supreme design of being born in May, mortals comment me a stubborn Taurean. What BULL!
For some creepy reason, I have this crawling feeling of playing with snakes. Maybe I’ll slide ahead with it one day.
I am yet to understand the “ooh and aah” of wearing coal that performed very well under pressure. Personally, I like pearls.. make them black.
I have preached this before. Don’t wait for the Big BANG to get it right with God. Now’s a good time. 2 hands, feet and eyes to behold His glory.
I have an obsession.. I call her Fabiola :-(
I love food.. I’ll eat it & I pray you don’t look it.
I can’t lie.. that’s the truth.
Your down the quarter..still reading hmm.. very complimenting.. n you’ve smiled a lil here and a lil there.. told ya

Friday, February 13, 2009

My Moment.. was it mine

Turn my self to the day that had been
Drawing past my own merry laughter’
Searching my own soul within
Beckon the memories, a sweet smile curved
Pause to cherish… the voices I heard…

Gentle a caution; I love you it said,
Watch little one, for you a price paid,
The eyes of the most beautiful
Beheld His little angel..
Turned walk away in despair

Owned, the moment, was it mine
Had He not hung on the tree
Scourged, that I might be
Contrite, my spirit, my heart

Dear Father, I failed thee, forgive me.

She knows she cares to love

Blogged at the back of her mind
Oceans of emotions, they use the word Love
He madeth her in His own likeness
And of Him she hath received
Eons of love… Haveth to give
Father, did Thy glory seeth thru me

Would Thou not consider, I have but a woman’s heart
In giving you have received, was it not said
Then yet, fill me off my emptiness
The touch of human gladness
Whispers, spoken tenderness
Words, where I love you’s were meant

She knows she careth enough to love
Mystical feelings, from above
That which matters most to Thee
Entrusted to a juvenile me..
Arms in small strength oh Lord,
Thou say strong to hold warm, love dearly