Sunday, October 18, 2009
Take me back..
And many more a time I skipped into girly laughter
You’ve held me close, I forgot all the pain
Your loving arms, held me, said love you daughter.
I sat by you, on the high stool, watched the kitchen pot
It wasn’t by choice, I rather play out mother
This room is so big, greasy, smelly, so hot
I ain’t gonna cook mum, so why bother
I’ll take my time come back from school
There’s so much I’ve spotted on the way,
I need to splash around, all road pools
Walk the neighbor’s barn, crash down in hay
I’ll come home sooner, roll over play with the dogs
Get up and define me, puppy & furry
I aint gonna sit down, no science or math logs
Oh what whatever, finish get done in a scurry
I’m out in the fields; this is where I want to be
Stand across watch the ripples of a flowing stream
Watch the wonders of the winds blow the green leaf on the tree
Smile away, cuddle dear, hold close my dream
Take me back; wind me to the little gal time
Waking up to the shy sunrise seeping thru the blinds
I’m standing here, poised beautifully tall
I’m searching within, there was this lovely gal I knew when small.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
For my little girl to be
The hours of labor fade away, your baby eyes take my stage
From here on your first before my face
As time turns in, I’ll catch up, keep to your energetic pace
Baby you will grow up, the most beautiful you will be,
I’ll hold your hand, be there when you need me
I’m aware of the time that will come, you prefer I’m not around
Little gal, I stay away, I will, I will hold my ground
Sweetest angel, in little blue angel wings,
Ur chuckling laughter, around the room, plenty joy it brings
As you bounce across the new cut grass
My heart it breaks at your first fall, a million pieces like glass
I watch you school bag in hand, your curly locks beautiful strands
Your chubby hands they hug me warm,
Walk out of the door, you turn to smile
The familiar heartache I feel, sit down a little while
I watch you grow and blossom full
I gleam & then annoyance shake me, as the boys go drool
You run out to college, your black hair dance in waves
You stop at the door, turn back, your most beautiful smile cuts thru my haze
You’re a young lady now, walking down the street tall
Promises you have, dreams galore, big and small
I’ll stand by you, guide you and love you
From this fierce world, my little child I will do my best to protect you
The world at your feet many will bestow
Amidst the dazzling wonders, stay humble, gracefully low
Pray fervently darling, be kind & love fiercely,
I’ve learnt in this time called my life, baby you too, seek God’s wisdom truly.
Love you.. ma.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Dark Night..She tells her tale
She smiles down at the black waves, her victory blankets the bay
She stares deep, takes in the beauty of dark
Velvet pillars they soar high, she watched day pass by, lark.
She’s talking to the moon, winks back to the twinkle of the star
Long friends we’ve been, welcome you from afar
Breathe in the beauty; it’s the sparkle of twilight
Denser, I will get now, it’s the time that is called night
There’s hours to go, & partner me to keep safe
The people they rest now, until morning day break
My friends be silent, heavenly bodies dimmer your lights
The people they rest now, allow peaceful sleep, their souls delight
She accompanies the mother, whispered bedtime rhymes
She watches over the street urchin, counted his day’s dimes
She hushes the voices of sweethearts; draws close the bodies of lovers
She engulfs time in her arms, midnight solace cover
Silent thru her journey, the occasional rustle of the winds
Carries them she heard they needed, drops it for the tired minds
Raging trees they upset her, darker darkness she’ll surround
My people they rest now, hold still hold ground.
The precious dreams they have to be seen unobscured
The blessing from heavens, many prayers now answered
My God has decided to call on you today
Gently & softly, I’ll make the path for His angels, obey.
Daughter of time so unearthly, in graceful black I stand
Watch over, I fulfill my responsibility towards this human land
Raising myself up now , swallow my pride within
Looking ahead at the horizon, Dawns breaking in
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Goodbye to a known stranger
The goodbyes that were said, in my mind were goodbyes true
For you all had been wished well for
When upon new waters new winds you chose to soar.
Time has its ways, miles beyond distance.. fondness
Relations though nameless, beyond time..ageless
Some thoughts surround so as to care,
To watch one smile, even when you know not, its there
It’s a bond of the heart- true and meaningful
Not in a way binding, make it choke, stifle
A way paved by the mind understanding benign
The joys in the heart they rest, memories swell sweet feeling
No meets to obligation, no sets for expectation, no hurt no pain
A pure feeling of bliss in companionship to gain
Acceptance of it is.. pure form of being unconditional
In receiving and giving need it be perennial?
In all honesty I am with you.. and I agree
Beauty of a unnamed relation.. a union so free
Why would that be no surprise to airs ever to impress
Reflecting back just good cheer, simple jest for the moment, allowed smiles caress
Life looks at those moments, when years ran, totaled to none
When the heart a million songs in a single one sung
When the most familiar were distanced from most,
When the stranger unknown counted upon
Then the heart grows fond knowing there is still hope
Allow love to blossom, in this world, man’s dope
And warm love settle over you.. mould you to receive the best that is to be
Little I know this stranger I like, but for the person he is, the best is meant for he
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Make it go
To let go of the anguish, bitter moments of reality
I’ve had no time to drain, the sad smile in my eye
To wash away the pain, threats of attack, sanity
The voice within is screaming loud,
Before my face, a thick dense cloud
I’m waving my hands, I call attention, take away from me
Hideous laughter’s, fear pass by, please flee
Many a night, silent, cold and long
The pangs of darkness they continue grow strong
Oh whisper aloud, say more, let it go
Was it my Babel pride, let it sow?
Every step I took, led me in deeper deeper
Warning bells they rung, I laughed, I am my own keeper
Followed the calls of sweet seduces come baby love
Ignored the soft voices they seemed to come from above
Silently, very near He stood, watched me go,
Time had stopped for Him, till I came back, I was so slow
Cords of love, He wound back, knew He would draw
Lovingly He stroked the mess, mended my every flaw
Trickle.. its on its way out, the pain it flows away
The voices now soft, come here, to Me your dear
Hush child, I hold you close, My little one, don’t fear
Shhhhhhh, gentle arms rock, to Love I sway.
When its you and me..
The world around… the universe… close in allows you to be
Was it the wind in my hair.. that laughed its way, blew…
Perhaps your magical fingers gently running thru?
The wisps of cold breeze, tender in my face
The caress of your lips, left me, sweet daze?
Heavens sent down, delight in the scent of new rains
Memories breathed in, take away the distant pains
Lightening that rushed the mighty skies
Shivers that run my spine, thoughts of you fly by?
Thunders of rolling clouds they sound
The whisper of my name, keep me spell bound
Warm into the light of the first sun rays
Much more your love when upon me you gaze?
Watched seas that rage their life, come to the shores
The fierce grasp of your arms, more passion soar
Waves of love you pour let me drown in thee
Strong arms hold me, let down my guard, allow me be.
The echoed thoughts, linger, now come to your lips
The soft caress of your touch, strum on guitar strings
The gaze of your eyes, rising color to my cheeks
The gentle hiss of your breath, beautiful warmth it brings
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Scars they remain… remind you it was real
Memories they flow in, exposed, again revealed
Buried, I them, hide away do not be seen
Warm love flow over, assure me? Will it melt thin?
A desperate prayer whispered, coat me within.
Time tides in, take away what it brought
Time a healer, believe, frantically faster sought
Sands of time, grains, would it take the scars away
Fierce winds had drawn meaningless a mark?
He looked from above, beautiful intended strokes, not ill luck
Each scar by the Maker, an artful stroke from the brush of a Painter,
Every move deliberate, perfecting His masterpiece..
Clay in the hands of a Potter, succumb in flaws, crack, when put to test, thru fire
How else to render useful, earths dust that didn’t meet the pyre
Gaze He the refining, impurities melt out, left behind, gold silver
Truth, true it is, reality dawns, fewer realize
Many more they live, flawed, yet blissful
Their ignorance, ignored, did not require a price
Who but Wisdom that wise to know, man never pause.. mundane busyness, to seek
Scars, bless God, they remain, remind you it was real.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Question the worry
I meet the blue lake, the water so still
I gaze at the shimmer of rays so bright
They turned the dark, to sunup light
I hear the birds, their sound sweet of song and pray
Of glories they chirp, worries astray
I strum the tune of bees that hum, tiny wings little flutter
Beat back their way with nectar, wax homes don’t matter
Then the men they wake, early dawn break
Axe and sickle, plough share many fields to rake
To splinter wood, a blaze to keep warm
Ploughs thru a hard ground, thickets and thorn
The tiny sparrow from a far green tree flew
Held by Power sturdy, against winds that blew
Fearless she counters, her strength come from where
Watches The Power and she, as men they despair
How small the bird & bee, yet so loved
Natured and provided for, from far above
So perfect the man, created by He
Then question the worry, when on the Master’s palm carved is he.
Of a lie told
No ear has heard, no eye that seen
Of tears that filled the stretched lonely night
Of prayers that were prayed, till morning break light
Of pride that walked streets so tall
Allowed superiority feel inferior, so small
Of haughtiness that strode, met you in face
Of attitude that followed, shame, it won the race
Of a life that covered all pleasures of sin
Gone past conscience, now hollow within
Values that once were many, now done away with
The vices they stayed, all surface beneath
Of eyes that sought you in a crowd
Yet words would not say, stayed proud
Of times there were, from a distance watch you hurt
When I let my hair down, curled smiles eyes flirt
Of moves that left your watching eyes floored
Of secret sugar smiles sweet lies told
Charming says that came your way.. Slowly seduced
Time tickled by steadily, love reduced?
Hear a lie told.
I have a dream….
Of yonder blue skies to reach & kiss
Of heavenly waters come down as mist
Of strolling by aisles of green and green
Of no worry no care, nothing distraught seen
I have a dream….
No lyrics unfold, no songs to sing
Yet happy moments, life’s joys living
No fancy says, no poetry in writing
Yet abundance of joy, in smiles freely giving
I have a dream….
Of long nights, hushed whisperings
Of chatter a chatter, sweet nothings
Then watching time ice, frozen in your eyes
Melting myself, your warmth nearby
I have a dream….
The future here, distinctly seen
Of time to come, myriad turns of that has been
Emotions that rise, to joy your life
Dreamed in moments, carved in for your delight.
Where is the love?
Where is the love
And you once had asked
Were u concerned it had drifted
Had I moved my way
Did you really want to know
Was this an easy bid, for an older day?
No more than a game
An unfrequented leisure
An infrequent thought
Did you stop to consider
It is a heart
You may say inconsiderate
And I would say the same
Did I understand you right
Was the love but a game
Was it right not to accept
Was it good a ask what did not want
The heart is but a gentle one,
In pouring out love, she had been won
In her all feelings cocooned
Beauty not revealed, seen within
Friday, April 3, 2009
Stranger in the mirror

I watch the little girl, in a little strap dress she plays
Tall yellow hay stacks, dusty window panes
High tiled roofs, little feet they calmly stray
Carefree a high tree, a fishing rod in hand, bring back a smile
She laughed at the smallest, she still does, though lesser a cause
She loved her borrowed books and stories she read, dreamt thru
She raced into her teens, and college past flew
Gathered loved friends, kept them few
A casual step toward a future unknown,
Mum I’m going out, I’ll be back again
Into the wagon, the corporate sucks you in
Changing outfits, trends that are in,
Match me the face.. oh just wear a mask
I go back in struggle, I’m desperate to find
The girl I loved, have I left far behind
Where is she, that threw her head back and laughed
Her merry laughter filtered many a room
To whose expectation have I tried to match up
I search the deep brown eyes, they swore won’t change
I stare into the emotions, they question me the same
The volumes they speak, deep secrets to hurts range
Question back, you harmless as green grass
Now sharpened the same blades, who bore the scars
I look at the stranger in the mirror,
She watches me gently, quiet eyes they still care
I hear the gentle voice over my shoulder,
Soft peace unveils me,
You I have chosen, will chisel to how I want you to be.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Did tomorrow dawn today
It dawns, when she has to say bye to you,
She will not cry, a promise true,
The thoughts in her heart she holds
Someday a memory,
Yet again more smiles to unfold
The winds carry your name,
Caresses past, does she dare to feel the same,
The rays touched soft,
She longed for the arms,
Distance proved strong
Heavens watered, the winds flew,
Amidst all, maybe she searched for you,
The spray on her face welcome,
Camouflage to a tear
Threatened, had time drawn you this dear?
A broken rule, she can’t live for the day,
All smiles taken, kept the cautions away
Gathered in your arms, security enough
Tomorrow a thought, sure to catch up
Did tomorrow… dawn today?
Every smile she wanted to give,
Pray forgive, if a wonderful you, she did grieve
She’ll stay your friend, smile thru & hear a tear
And if time drew borders, circumstances unseen today
She has prayed, you meet her Jesus; For Whom she had to part ways.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Dark Hour?
You never were created to stay, your purpose fulfilled in the darkest hour,
Dawn awakens, laid to rest, dark hour of the day.
Trials and tribulations, they come the way
Tempest do not be, divergent the path He set for thee
Tested time, lured away, wandering sheep, went astray?
Hollow depressions, taketh peace away
Darkened clouds, dampened spirits
Stormed oceans, left you alone, out in the bay.
Yet, as time infinity, you are not to last
The diamond sparkle of the first break shine
Translucent the orange seeps fast
The warmth reaches to a heart that cried last night
Eyes that gazed upon You, Your Word held close
Engulfed now in soft rays, caress me in pure delight
I search Your eyes, the question why
In the hottest fire, silver refined
Your faithful smile, has lit up the sky
Sunday, March 1, 2009
The Week that was
Dinner plans with the gals calls for dressy, maybe cause a few accidents on the road, disclaimer, we take no responsibility for on road distractions. Food is so so, company of friends.. Oh man.. I’d hate to trade.. giggles, smiles, lafs.. oh pictures, integral part of treasured moments, captured. High on a laughing doze, back home, crawl into bed.. to sleep I surrender.
Sunday.. fellowship features the best part, my strength comes from Thee. Wrap up on church, thank You for letting me be. This done, I run, ruN, hOP, JUMP, SHOPPING TIME! & its free, sponsored by my tenure in GE.. 9 years going strong :-) Shopping for me is generally synonymous to buy shoes.. I need this boyfriend thing to get going.. the shoes I like are getting expensive and I haven’t gone Jimmy Choo yet! A small effort, sigh, I walk away from the shoes, new hand bag (More expensive then the monies that will sometimes be in it) and a beautiful virgin white dress… Oh the small genuine joys of shopping. So we have trousers thrown in, a lot of shoes, cosmetics, accessories, none mine, I note a little depressed, then I turn to the gleam of my dress, smile on, swing the bag over my shoulder..I’m home
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Intoxicated Lover
To no one…
Captivated by your spoken delights
Seduction of your many writes
Amused by your laughing humor
Conspicuously & willing so
Tagged my heart, early you go
Your drunken thoughts in words poured
An innocent mind it could have floored
A lame excuse of memory lapse
A frequent occurrence
In your swirling sphere maps
Liquored emotions surge within
Declare man your prejudiced desires
To every one seen, the I love you’s have been
Never less meant than when perhaps thee utter
A simple heart, a quiet shatter
The myriad erratic moments
Magnitude of your mood swings
Unduly to definition
Syndrome MENopause
Expression to one, a male being
Into your ecstasy world of high
Slow music and warmth close by
Whispered smiles, passions soar
Magnificence of thy affections shower
Again the influence, my intoxicated lover.
Friday, February 20, 2009
I Wish
I wish for the uncomplicated joys of life
For the winds in my hair
And bare feet on cold sand
To feel the salt waters, their spray, thoughts sweet
Journey with me then, hold my hand
I wish to touch the skies
Mystical blues… far horizons
Distant dreams.. I want to pursue
A cornered smile, ha ha
Yes I have yearned for these
Be ingenuous to myself,
Was this my conquest, every moment of glee?
Did I not wander, further seas to see
Plunge to the flurry of the green,
Seeking to hold, grasp all within
Tranquil moments shying away,
Veracity loud, screaming, not a play
The deafening silence..
Quietude settles in, conscious now my frightened paths
Turn back to my skies… known trails..sigh
I awake to thee my wishes oh simple joys.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
It’s a fad going on.. and boy have I been late on a few.. a quarter for your thoughts
Me.. I’m not cut out to be “jaw dropping- mouth hanging open” gal. My gorgeousness lies in the sincere sunny curves of my full lips, the delicate sway of my conscious hips, the flirtatious flaunts of my naughty eyes, the danger of my warmth close by ;-)
God is Love, & He allows you to love, none is ever ours.. and here I was thinking.. oh how loving I can be..naive
I believe in marriage. I’m only single, because the most needed ingredient, I’d like to call “perfect man”, contradictory to belief of existence, is still strolling the desert.
I think men are great and He made them exceptional. I have loved some of the very best, then they went out strolling again.
I love climbing, be those hills, mountains or trees. No monkey business, I do not know where Darwin got his theory.
Blue is my favorite color, blue skies, blue waters, blue Mondays too.
I am a very sensitive person.. Yeah.. I have to mask it for everyone’s good. My own chiefly.
Good humor makes a lot of things tolerable.. Look at us clowning around!
I love children. When its time to have my own, I’d pray for twins. They will be the talk of every wild haired teacher in town, they will be my pride.
The 10 commandments are not multiple choice. And that love thing that God put on tablets, He is not kidding about it.
I want to love the one.. Because someone out there is missing out on something and I’ll probably bloat if I don’t exercise it. I am wee nervous about weight.
2 x’s don’t make a a and lesser evil is really not less evil
Jesus is the center of my life, yes, I am on number 13.
Dada is ‘selflessness’ personified. 20 years from my most beautiful mum, wanted the best for family.. did he know he's the best.
I will always make you smile, in my own unpretentious, non-superficial, just me way.
Flirting is a noble thing to do..just see u smile now! Clean (they say I have to specify, genius.. why is it otherwise called flirting!) I have relished references to call on :-)
Brown eyed gal could have been written with me in mind. And the disclaimer stays.. Don’t stare, you’ll drown in them.
I don’t believe in star signs. By supreme design of being born in May, mortals comment me a stubborn Taurean. What BULL!
For some creepy reason, I have this crawling feeling of playing with snakes. Maybe I’ll slide ahead with it one day.
I am yet to understand the “ooh and aah” of wearing coal that performed very well under pressure. Personally, I like pearls.. make them black.
I have preached this before. Don’t wait for the Big BANG to get it right with God. Now’s a good time. 2 hands, feet and eyes to behold His glory.
I have an obsession.. I call her Fabiola :-(
I love food.. I’ll eat it & I pray you don’t look it.
I can’t lie.. that’s the truth.
Your down the quarter..still reading hmm.. very complimenting.. n you’ve smiled a lil here and a lil there.. told ya
Friday, February 13, 2009
My Moment.. was it mine
Drawing past my own merry laughter’
Searching my own soul within
Beckon the memories, a sweet smile curved
Pause to cherish… the voices I heard…
Gentle a caution; I love you it said,
Watch little one, for you a price paid,
The eyes of the most beautiful
Beheld His little angel..
Turned walk away in despair
Owned, the moment, was it mine
Had He not hung on the tree
Scourged, that I might be
Contrite, my spirit, my heart
Dear Father, I failed thee, forgive me.
She knows she cares to love
Oceans of emotions, they use the word Love
He madeth her in His own likeness
And of Him she hath received
Eons of love… Haveth to give
Father, did Thy glory seeth thru me
Would Thou not consider, I have but a woman’s heart
In giving you have received, was it not said
Then yet, fill me off my emptiness
The touch of human gladness
Whispers, spoken tenderness
Words, where I love you’s were meant
She knows she careth enough to love
Mystical feelings, from above
That which matters most to Thee
Entrusted to a juvenile me..
Arms in small strength oh Lord,
Thou say strong to hold warm, love dearly