Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Week that was

So I’m here, in my sphere.. Monday, the first day of the week… Blue or otherwise.. it persistently is… Besides I like to think of Sunday.. & the luxury sleep of a dozen hours it brings to be the beauty close of my 7 day adventure. I wake Monday, sometimes swearing at my old friend, Nokia dinosaur model for being the dutiful alarm it more is than a phone. The week has been Monday,work,Tuesday, WORK WORK WORK,TGIF.. Weekend.. wow.. THANK YOU GOD.. And then its here, Saturday love..announcing friends, net, movies, food.. oh glory food, I hardly see that in the week.. hmphff… but if weekend dining it will be, then its taken, both hands, face, mouth stuffed..muffle munch, bon appetite. I can’t waste precious Saturday, so am up by 10:30 headed out for a movie.. there’s my 6.5 feet security cum friend shadowing me from gate to theatre, and fine company is he. Headed to see so what’s so really curious about you Mr. Benjamin Button.. what happened to child like innocence in the face.. I draw back in my seat, waiting for time to set it… and oh my love.. slowly but surely, the face dawns, handsome as anyone should be.. Brad! Not like I am a big fan, but it’s a nice one he carries above his shoulders and he’s got his act together. I love the script.. oh beautiful as plain white paper..Time flies backwards, a refreshing watch than to melodrama.
Dinner plans with the gals calls for dressy, maybe cause a few accidents on the road, disclaimer, we take no responsibility for on road distractions. Food is so so, company of friends.. Oh man.. I’d hate to trade.. giggles, smiles, lafs.. oh pictures, integral part of treasured moments, captured. High on a laughing doze, back home, crawl into bed.. to sleep I surrender.
Sunday.. fellowship features the best part, my strength comes from Thee. Wrap up on church, thank You for letting me be. This done, I run, ruN, hOP, JUMP, SHOPPING TIME! & its free, sponsored by my tenure in GE.. 9 years going strong :-) Shopping for me is generally synonymous to buy shoes.. I need this boyfriend thing to get going.. the shoes I like are getting expensive and I haven’t gone Jimmy Choo yet! A small effort, sigh, I walk away from the shoes, new hand bag (More expensive then the monies that will sometimes be in it) and a beautiful virgin white dress… Oh the small genuine joys of shopping. So we have trousers thrown in, a lot of shoes, cosmetics, accessories, none mine, I note a little depressed, then I turn to the gleam of my dress, smile on, swing the bag over my shoulder..I’m home

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